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02-18-25 06:22 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - President Bush's Last State of Union
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Posts: 5624/7838
Originally posted by Omega
JJ.AM is for pr0n and for pr0n only.

And Gore!

I have seen alot of nasty shit from there. (OOT)
Posts: 5/7
JJ.AM is for pr0n and for pr0n only.

As for bush; all I can say is that I can't wait until I turn 18. He'll probably gone by then, but still. :p
Posts: 42/62
I can't wait for Bush to get outta that seat, hes just like his father. Bush Senior also did a bad job when he was in office...
Posts: 2556/2954
Bush is a robot, when he is dancing, if you look closesly, you can notice the complete lack of rhythm and incapabilities of moving his body fluidly?

Oh wait, that just means he's a honky. Never mind.
Posts: 4717/9736
What the hell was the dancing thing?
Posts: 3104/3775
Watched as much as I could before his voice started to give me a headache.

It was pretty much him patting himself on the back for shit that didn't happen.
Cyro Xero
Posts: 1247/1779
I never watched it, and I wasn't really too interested. Heh, the way I see it, we're probably going from one bad leader to another depending who gets picked. Although anybody running now is a bit better than Bush.
Posts: 5616/7838
Oh, the LAST state of the Union.

Uhhh....Yeah....Did anyone watch that?

Did anyone Gratify or recallify it?

Posts: 112/215
Aw man... sometimes, I can't help but wonder how many strings he pulled we don't know about to get re-elected.
Posts: 509/546
All I have to say is, how long is permanent? >>
Posts: 6957/11758
Where can we watch it? Mind you, I just checked youtube.

I watched Obama's respone (up at youtube) and more importantly, this:

"We were attacked, by vicious attackers. Who flew airplanes, in the sky. And used the clouds as weapons ..."
Posts: 5611/7838
Im counting the days
Posts: 2788/3807

Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - President Bush's Last State of Union

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