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09-20-24 09:00 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Sim-Battle Arena - Battle With Sparda
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Posts: 692/1569
*Spartans quick reflexs allowed him to draw a diamond in the air that formed a spiritual barrier around him and dodging to the left using his enhanced reaction times and speed*

Tricky Bastard....

Well...I guess its good I have my Reflexs...or i would be screwed...

*Spartan walks back to stand in front of azriel and Draws a Diamond within a circle in the air. The symbol appears to shimmer red for a moment then disapears*

Half Demon?

Half Angel?

Fire...and Ice?

*spartan lets his left hand drop to his side and a ball of energy begins to form*

Well...Whats an effective counter...

*Spartan Snaps his left hand back up with the energy still there leaps and does a right diagonal slash with Omega Strain and brings the energy now a left diagonal line to strike at Azriel*
Posts: 740/1198
*Azriel couldn't but just laugh as he watch Spartan slash at air.*

Azriel: Fool. Just because I can do something doesn't mean you can do the exact same thing as well. Amateur.

Poten: That is quite enough.

"Spartan, we will halt the battle for now. And analyze what you just did. It seemed to me that all you did was ignore everything that was done during Azriel's turn, only heeding the fact that he struck at you with his sword. You are aware of the fact that the shockwave would have struck you in 1.3 seconds. Yet, all you did was say that you rolled to the side without even bothering to elaborate. How? Was it because of your reflexes? Was the shockwave anywhere close to hitting you? Was it a close call? Things such as that. And another thing, there is fifteen feet of space seperating you from him. Therefore, your slash did nothing but strike air. Are you aware of this? And there's practically no way you could slash at his legs and draw a diamond in the air with another lest the slash be extraordinariliy weak.
Finally, it seems like you pulled that spiritual barrier out of your ass. I doubt you even have the knowledge to even begin to explain how you managed to create that. The barrier was completely unjustified for you gave no reasons or explanations on how you managed to concoct it. "
Posts: 676/1569
*Spartan rolled to the left to avoid the vertical slash and swings with his left arm with the organometal blade at Azriels legs and with the other sword drew a diamond in the air A spiritual barrier around his body defending him from attacks on his mind and soul*

Just as a precaution.

What little is left of my soul i would wish to keep.

You may have some other fools soul but not mine...
Posts: 736/1198
*The moment Spartan had said that he was not one to attack first, Azriel immediately took the initiative, refusing to allow any time for his opponent to even brace himself for his attack. As the armored man began to ready his weapons, switching one thing for another, Azriel was already half way through his deadly attack.

It was truly amazing at the speed in which he moved and struck. One could possibly compare it to the speed of a bullet with the speed of a snail. Moving faster than a normal mortal's eye can see, he let loose a mighty vertical slash with the sword in his right hand, known as 'Bane'.

Bane...or otherwise known as the 'Bane of Hope', this was a sword that truly deserved its name. Stained with the blood of Christ, purified by the Antichrist, composed of the Longinus Lance, it was already a 'bane of existance' per se. With its dark blade litterally ripping through the air, it began shooting blood in all directions but disappeared before it could advance two feet from the sword.

The only thing seperating Azriel from his opponent was merely a space of fifteen feet. Though Bane was only about six feet in length, there was no need for its master to have to come up close in order to strike for the magic of the Longinus Lance came into place. Gathering from the omnipresent life forces that all living things generated, it fed upon this energy, turning into that of its energy too devious and terrifying to truly describe in human words.

A shockwave shot out of the edge of Bane, increasing approximately one foot in height for every foot traveled, having started at five feet in height. Moving almost as fast as Azriel had reacted, it would be upon Spartan in exactly 1.3 seconds. However, even his formidable organometal would have a hard time defending against this technique. Having gathered its energy from life forces, the shockwave existed only on the spiritual plane.

Much like the apparitions mortals call 'ghosts', the shockwave could and would easily travel through physical objects, targeting only the spiritual life force of a being. In the context of the present battle at hand, the shockwave was capable of penetrating, or rather 'pass through' every single armor that Spartan possessed, going directly for his spiritual life force, or simply his soul.

While many philosophers argue what the deprivation of the soul may result in, Azriel knew this answer all too well. No one but him was ever able to figure out that actually one of many things could happen, depending on the corpse which houses the soul. Due to the specifications of the very technique that Azriel used for his attack, the shockwave strike, if successful, would deprive the enemy of his control over his body completely, upon the deprivation of his soul. All necessary functions of the body would cease to exist, including control of mind, flesh, and thought.

In other words, Bane's strike would result in the addition of another corpse to the Garden Of Eden. And at the rate which the shockwave increased in size and traveled, it looked as if Spartan would be dead very very soon.*
Posts: 674/1569
* Spartan Glances around*

No really...By the way...I dont think your swords are happy...Im not one to attack first...

*Spartan withdraws the organometal blade and draws a peircing white throwing knife and slots it into his katana making it glow with an extremely bright white aura.*


*Spartan assumes his previous position weapons at ready with the organometal blade back out of his arm.*
Posts: 727/1198
"Greetings Spartan."

*Azriel's grin grew wider as he continued to stare at his opponent while he was strapping his helmet in place. The expression on his face was a confident one as he took a few steps back, increasing the gap between him and the armored man. Both of his swords seemed to give off greater auras for each step that Azriel took and each second that he delayed. It seemed that the longer he waited, the angrier the swords became. *

"You will not see any Lance of Longinus here, friend. I shattered it years ago and had it reformed into this."

*Azriel gave a sly nod towards the bloody sword in his left hand as his massive demonic wings began to extend to their fullest wingspan, ready to bring Azriel airborne. Already, he gained the appearance of a most frightening foe, a man with great unholy wings extended, armed with two massive swords of the most fearsome nature. Heaven and Hell at their best.*

"Well? What are you waiting for?"

*The blade of the heavenly sword became hidden within white flames that erupted from its golden hilt...*
Posts: 673/1569
*Spartan eyes Azriel. Then puts his helmet back on and draws Omega Strain with his right hand and flicks his left wrist producing an 8 inch blade from the OrganoMetal*


Im Spartan...

I would prefer the Longinius Lance Gone....

Not a big fan of it..
Posts: 720/1198
Interesting. Your armor seems to be most effective. Especially that 'thing' which you call "organometal". I've seen many variations of such technology, but yours seems to be the most modern and advanced.

I've heard enough for now.
We shall enter the next phase of your training.

We will analyze your combat techniques and how well you effeiciently use your abilities. Like I said before, Sparda won't be appearing until you finished a larger portion of your trainings. So for now, may introduce you to someone else...

Darkness became light as the once perptual and never ending room of 'black' disappeared, only to be replaced by a great field, rich with lush green glass for as far as the eye can see with the exception of two great and mighty trees that seemed to reach the heavens. The bright blue sky and the beautiful sun were generous and most compassionate, providing fair weather and life-giving warmth to all. The subject identified to be Spartan 5150 was taken to what seemed to be the very center of this new magical arena with Poten observing in his omnipotent state...invisible and invincible.

Welcome Spartan. You have just entered a most holy place. Some thought it to be imaginary...a work of pure fiction a thousand years in the making. But they couldn't be more wrong. Behold, Eden.

Yes, you are not mistaken. The two trees you behold before you are in fact the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life and Death. But do you know what is missing?

The fiery revolving sword and the cheribum which Yahweh placed in Eden to protect the two trees. They are both gone. The Cheribum has been killed and the sword has been retrieved and has been given a new master.

As if the word 'master' was his cue, a new figure stepped forth from seemingly no where, since there was practically no place to hide in Eden. A tall 'man' he was with delicate yet sharp features. His left light red eye and his right blue eye stared at the armored Spartan as a holy wind blew at at his long white hair which stood on its ends.

Just from his very presence, one gained the impression that he was a holy man. One blessed by God. Dressed in light silver knight armor, including breastplate, shoulder pads, arm guards, leg guards, and boots with a magnificent silver cloak, he was a stunning image of Heaven's knight. An angel in the form of a young man...that was probably the best way to describe this person. Yet, he bore no least not yet.

He grinned, his thin lips curving ever so slightly as his intriguing eyes continued to observe the Spartan. Yes, this 'man' was certainly a very unusual fighter. However, what was even more unusual were the weapons that he bore: two great swords in his hands. But was was unusual, wasn't the fact that these two swords weren't was the fact that these two swords seemed to be the polar opposite of their master...or at least one of them was.

In his right hand was a truly grand and mighty sword, fit for the king of kings, with its beautiful and flawless handle and hilt bearing two truly magnificent blades* nearly six feet in length. The thick handle and hilt seemed to be made of a strange gold-like substance adorned with multi-colored jewels and gems while the blade itself seemed to be glowing with a perpetual flame that could not be quenched. Yet, no heat was given off by these 'flames'. Were they just an illusion then? But still, even with that being said, no true human words could describe the beauty and flawlessness of this blade. Only one being could have created such a weapon: God. And indeed, this was true for this was the 'fiery revolving sword' God created to protect Eden.

In his left hand was something that seemed to be the exact opposite of his right hand's weapon. Indeed, a sword it was but it dictated a different aura than its counterpart. If his right hand represented holiness, his left hand most definitely stood for evil and the weapon that he carried was the sheerest sign of that. The weapon was a truly ferocious looking one, its thick blade extending five feet with a very full and large handle and hilt which were both the color of pitch black. The blade however, was of an interesting stain for it was the color of the darkest blood, filled with every evil imaginable. Blood leaked out of the tip of the blade but disappeared before it coudl touch the ground...much like the Longinus Lance that Sir Balyn, under King Arthur, discovered which he used to strike the Dolorious Stroke. Alas, however, for he who feels its blade for the sword itself is in fact made up of pieces of the Longinus Lance's spearhead.

And there it was. Light and Darkness. Holy and Evil. God and Devil. Perhaps it was this man's duty to personify both in his very personage? He chuckled under his breath, a low deep chuckle that would give even the strongest man the chills. As he did this, two massive wings erupted from his back, each wing extending to about five feet. But they weren't angellic wings to compliment his holy armor. Rather, they represented what was in his left hand...evil for the wings were of a demonic ancestry, bearing resemblances to that of bat wings and dragon wings with the speed and power of the dragon but the manueverability and flexibility of the bat. Thick veins protruded from those unholy wings, pulsating black blood throughout them.

So there he stood. That unholy angel...or that holy demon. Neither seemed to do him justice. His body was that of a man...but his hair and attire as well as his right hand were that of angel's. But his left hand and wings were that of a demon. A mixture of God's greatest accomplishment and Lucifer's most successfuly naughts. Mixed into one to create...him.

His name is Azriel **. Before you are to inquire, I shall answer. Yes, he is both demonic and angellic. He bares the blood of both. In his right hand, you shall find God's holy sword which he sent to guard Eden. In his right hand, you shall find what has become of the Lance of Longinus. Do not underestimate him. He has slayed the cherubim that guarded Eden and has eaten of the fruits of the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life and Death. What was refused to Adam and Eve has been taken by Azriel.

Now go ahead. Prepare yourself. He shall physical counterpart...for now. I shall watch from above as he tests your skills and ability. But do not worry, he will not kill you. He has no reason to anyway. And he shall follow my orders...he dares not disobey them for fear of Sparda interfering.


*The sword itself is composed of two blade, molded into one. Each blade is poised in a different direction so that the final mold of the two blades in one forms a + when looking upon it from it's direct front.

**Do not mistaken Azriel with Azrael. They are two different people. Azrael is Sparda's true counterpart, being the only person able to actually kill him. In the context of the sim-arena, he is not present here. Azriel is the half angel/half demon that has been sent to fight you. The two are entirely different entities. Please do not mistaken them and please do not mix up the names.
Remember, you are fighting Azriel, not Azrael
Posts: 666/1569
Poten...You are a rotton Bastard...

Just letting you know...

On a plus side i hate you...

But...You are a trainer and i respect that..which forms a conundrum...

When i said fast i meant reflexes...I have hair trigger reflexs...which results in me being extremely twitchy.....EXTREMLY twitchy...You flinch towards me i will either take a few steps back or flip over you head with my weapon drawn...

My Armor is Extremly is MJOLNER Mark VIII The latest in the MJOLNER series...It has Shields that protect me from firearms and explosions then once its drained it needs to recharge Recharge time varys usualy about 15 seconds if its 1/6 drained and increases 15 seconds for every sixth of my shield drained but adding an extra 30 seconds when it is fully drained...
The armor plate is made of up of about 60 layers of an Organometal which will slowly repair itself. with a refractive coating. Thus repelling flame and any sort of energy weapon....

THe elementals in my Throwing Knives also add to my resistance to that elemental...ONLY WHEN they are slotted into my Dai Katana Omega Strain.
Posts: 719/1198
I don't give a fuck if you sold your soul to Satan. You might as well have performed sexual favors for him. It tells me nothing. You can't just go around saying "Satan did this and this for me. Therefore, i'm special!" If you do that, not only will you be mocked for the idiot that you are, but you will be slaughtered. You have wings. ok...where are they? How do you use them? How strong are they? I wanted you to elaborate, not give me something I already know.

Exactly how do your blades work. And don't give me that bullshit about "Satan is my master so he did this stuff for me!". The same goes with your indestructable armor which you based on absolutely crap. In such a case, your opponent would not have to explain anything because you explained nothing.

Your speed means nothing if you can't explain it. "Lookit me! I run fast! And I can make pretty razzle dazzle while I do so!" No. Shut up. No one cares. It means nothing if you are incapable of explaining how it works. The same goes with practically everything you said.

It's not a matter of me being higher than you. It's just that you're too low for me.

Maybe you missed the whole..."how?"...important question...must be answered...
Posts: 665/1569

Maybe you missed the

Hmm...Higher being eh...Must miss alot...

Omega Strain My Dai Katana can expand to any length i require of it and can expand its width to any length i demand of it...

Fire, Ice, Water, Lightning, Wind, Earth, Light, and Dark.
My Blades...Along with a few other powers in them one that makes my armor indestructable except in a circumstance that another opponent would have to explain...Fire, Ice, Water, Lightning, Wind, Earth, Light, and Dark. Another that improves speed another that generates a blinding light and powers up my defence,another that Focus's my hand techniques into a more powerful force.
Posts: 712/1198
My next question is a simple one. "How?"

The art you wish to acquire is very unique. Specifications and identification can either harm or help you, depending on how much you choose to reveal. You have super human strength. You have resistance to most elementals. Alright, that's fine with me. But the question is 'how' did you obtain such abilities?

Remember, if you are vague, the opponent is allowed to use it against you. Take this example...

If you simply state that the blades you are armed with can break anything but you do not explain how, then the opponent can simply ignore that by giving a very bland and vague excuse. And that would be legal because you failed to state how and why your blades have the power that they do.
Posts: 653/1569
I am a 6'4"
I weigh 185 pounds,all of it Rock hard muscle,
Satan gave me wings,So i would have an edge on any oppenants who couldnt fly/levitate,I have Super Human Strength, and I have a High Restance to Most elementals,Especially Fire,Water,Earth,Wind.
I have Slate Gray Eyes
And White Hair.
I also have concealed blades among my armor. Not going to reveal were. Any future opponets paying attention at the moment. I will lose any advantage I may have had.
*Spartan watchs the area Warily,Deciding not to worry he takes his helmet off and holds it in his left hand*
Posts: 711/1198
Understand that under my presence, you are to hold nothing back. Your tale is a tragic one, but as you should know, the opponents will never pity you.

Therefore, speak of the special powers you claim to possess and describe them fully to me. I cannot help you if I do not know you.

Also, describe your physical features as much as you can. Like I said, we're going to build and "Know Thyself".
Posts: 652/1569
I am Spartan #5150
I was Born on the Planet Reach in 2518 November 21
I was Conscripted into the Spartan Program by the UNSC 2524 December 29th
I become highly skilled in Bladed Weapons during training.
I was assigned to the Carrier Leviathan with a team of 4 Spartans.
Spartans #1139,2124,2117,and 2222.
We were then sent to Reach. My Birthplace and home for many years. in 2552 The covenant came and slagged most of the planet...Killing all humans. I barely Escaped in an ONI prowler. My team gave there lives so i could Escape.
I drifted in space after an uncalculated Slip Space Jump damaged my ships engines...Finally when i had lost all hope. Satan came...I sold my sould to him for 3 things. One My Blade Omega Strain,My throwing Knives all with 8 Different Powers and resistances,and Special abilitys.

I Vowed to avenge my Home Planet. So far i have killed over 3 million Covenent and i am know were near done.

*Spartan Looks around Warily*

I know Myself.
Posts: 710/1198
Your first lesson in the arts of combat shall be "To Know Thyself'. I am certain you have heard the saying 'Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.'. Naturally, this means that in order to be triumphant, you must understand your opponents more so than you understand your comrades.

But there is one thing that this fails to mention. In order to know your enemies and your friends, you must know yourself. Understand everything about yourself. Know exactly how far you'll go to achieve something.

Understand, Spartan #5150, that through my training, you will not only develop technique, you shall develop self. We will grow personality within you. Only then, dare I advance to more advanced mechanics.

Now try again. Identify yourself to your fullest extent.
Posts: 651/1569
*Spartan put his blade into its case on his back*

I am Spartan Number 5150 Name Chris Wistock


I am ready for my training.

*Spartan looks around*

Greater Being Eh...

My goal is to avenge my Home Planet that was Slagged by the Covenant.
Posts: 709/1198
Put down your weapon and listen up. The voice that you are hearing right now is not of Sparda's but one of a greater power. He will not be making his appearance until a large portion of your training has been completed. The purpose of his presence will be to do nothing but to test what you've learned.

First thing's first. I am known as "Potentissimus" but you may simply refer to me as "Poten".

For now, let's start with introductions. Identify yourself.
Posts: 650/1569
Thank for Excepting my Challange/Training.

*Spartan Sits on the ground his helmet sitting on the left of him and he is examining and polishing his sword*

What a Wonderful Weapon...

*Spartans motion tracker Blips showing a Contact 20 meters out*

Interesting...Wonder why i didnt Pick that up at Thirty...

*Spartan Picks up his helmet and slots it into place on his armor*

Hello...I know your there...No point in attempting to avoid detection now...

*Chris Picks his Blade up and Keeps the flat of it inbetween him and his foe*
Xeogaming Forums - Sim-Battle Arena - Battle With Sparda

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