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02-07-25 01:10 AM
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Posts by Yasu in threads:
  Thread Posts Thread total
1 PONY 18 60
2 Always bet on Duke: Duke Nukem Forever 13 104
3 Shred-tastic! 12 75
4 Marvel Vs Capcom 2 but more importantly 3: Fuck the Knicks! 9 58
5 Gaming discusion 9 26
6 Oh yeah, Xeo 8 57
7 Thunder. 8 18
8 Captain America (trailer posted) 8 23
9 Corrupt-A-Wish 7 525
10 I need a custom title. 7 48
11 *Cough cough choke* WHAT?! 7 38
12 Xeodential Campaign! 6 57
13 If you know what I mean 6 22
14 Portal 2: It's been a long time 6 20
15 End of the World to happen on May 21'st, 2011~ 6 79
16 Oh hai 6 25
17 Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty 6 73
18 So I just found this out.. 5 26
19 Silly Things 5 16
20 IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 14
21 Just a reminder... 5 38
22 Sigh... 5 19
23 My theme is sexier then your theme 4 26
24 Ricky-dicky-tick-tock-tick-tock-tock! 4 14
25 I need help with my layout 4 8
26 Maybe 4 20
27 Non-staff thread. This means you, Valhalla. | Vulkar: Phoenix eats smelly bunny poop. Vote Vulkar. 4 43
28 Kenta vs Braksa 4 8
29 Shadows in the Sand -- Kenta vs Braksa 4 9
30 The person below me 4 453
31 Diablo Megathread 4 9
32 You aint grizz!!! 4 14
33 Devil May Cry 5, and how Capcom sold it's soul 4 29
35 Christianaty and how many Christians are deceived to this day 4 29
36 D&D 4 16
37 Terraria 4 26
38 Hatsune Miku. Singer, dancer, and totally computer generated. 4 24
39 Dead Rising 3 22
40 Gears Of War 3 14
41 Evolution of Dance 3 20
42 Flag Day 3 19
43 Mom dances VERY inappropriately with her kids 3 13
44 Bitch. 3 35
45 Answer one, Ask one 3 2019
46 Last Movie You Saw? Thoughts? 3 407
47 Facebook Page 3 18
48 Insomnia Fun Time! 3 23
49 3 13
50 Bulk is Back! And Tommy is in the MMA! 3 8
51 Epic rap battle between Albert Einstein and Steven Hawkings 3 17
52 Caution. Cute overload. 3 8
53 I wanna go 3 8
54 improv: the one word story 3 156
55 The new Thundercats isn't that bad. 3 12
56 Anime: Your secret obsession? 3 39
57 Elara told me to post 3 20
58 Pokemon Music Video 2 5
59 Can you find.... 2 49
60 Mortal Kombat: Armageddon 2 6
61 What Anime are you currently watching? 2 79
62 Final Fantasy XII 2 34
63 Wookie wookie, I want his moves 2 6
64 Desroth's avatar 2 6
65 WTF Music Videos 2 5
66 A Not Safe for Work dog video 2 6
67 Leeeeeroy Jeeeenkins 2 8
68 Penis or fold in the sheet? 2 11
69 They're f*cking Matt Damon/Ben Afleck 2 7
70 Wow this is old 2 17
71 Matrix Ping Pong 2 7
72 Sports apathy 2 18
73 Official Photo Album Thread 2 1602
74 Ugh... I can't wait to get home *rant* 2 9
75 Nerd Girls... a dying breed? 2 26
76 Werewolf 2 8
77 Girl Throws Puppies into River 2 18
78 Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? 2 6
79 Mario! 2 14
80 Rogue Phoenix 2 8
81 Getting a hernia removed on Oct 6th 2 31
82 Time. 2 22
83 Lord of Crabmeat! 2 25
84 Guess what month it is... 2 15
85 One Piece owns. Let's talk about One Piece 2 63
86 PS3 2 6
87 Minecraft 2 37
88 Currently playing? 2 587
89 Black Metal calms crying babies! 2 6
90 So Who is Stupider 2 18
91 Hey Georgia members... you OK? 2 21
92 No arms. No legs. No worries! 2 5
93 Poncho Poncho Man 2 5
94 Bin Laden is Dead? 2 29
95 [Tell] me about having a Credit card 2 8
96 Oh Cool, you and your friends are closet homosexuals and made a stupid video. Thank you for sharing 2 9
97 Ultimate gaming computer 2 7
98 For those of you who keep up with Magic the Gathering 2 8
99 Supreme Court: We're gonna tell you how you should spend your spare time 2 24
100 Fuck you 2 1183
101 Research study 2 4
102 Best Guinness Comercial Ever - Probably NSFW 2 9
103 How many phoenixes does it take to spam the board? 2 20
104 Evolution of dance 1 5
105 It's that month again... 1 27
106 Nightmare Before Christmas New Soundtrack 1 9
107 Samurai 7 1 6
108 Mmmmm, depth charge 1 3
109 Hey! The Asylum got a new name! 1 21
110 Am I amazing? 1 21
111 GAH NOOO!! 1 7
112 Hooray, life sucks! 1 29
113 Advent Children to the theme from "Xena: Warrior Princess" 1 10
114 Jesus: I Will Survive 1 5
115 We... SHOULD POWER UP! *Does the transformation scene.* 1 5
116 Bro Rape 1 3
117 The worst possible ways to die... 1 16
118 Beacuse Everybody Loves Him 1 3
119 I hope my body can take it... 1 10
120 I made a funny. 1 7
122 Who plays 360 games? 1 11
123 Its the old guy, from scene 24! 1 3
124 Mary Poppins re-cut as horror film 1 11
125 Best fight scene ever? 1 27
126 Ctrl + Alt + Del creator at 600% speed 1 7
127 What Canadian scientists do all day... 1 5
128 World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade! 1 11
129 Rav4 Jousting 1 2
131 "Urban Sprinting" 1 8
132 Leopard vs. Poodle 1 12
133 Character Compendium 1 15
134 OkGO's new video: "Do What You Want (Wallpaper Version)" 1 3
135 Big Mac! McDonalds order freestyle 1 18
136 What was the first game you were hooked on as a kid? 1 34
138 Did Chris Carter (X-Files creator) predeict 9/11? 1 7
139 The best unedited fight sequence ever 1 8
140 Meet the new Toonami! ... holy shi... 1 11
141 Biggest Prank Ever 1 3
142 There are words for this one... 1 8
143 Charlie. 1 11
144 300 Poke! 1 3
145 Omg, I am in love 1 14
146 Tickle Me Emo! 1 2
147 The Ballad of Peniston 1 11
148 How to paint the Mono Lisa on MS Paint 1 11
149 Bob the Ball 1 3
150 Touhou Video - Mentos 1 4
152 Do not want. 1 10
153 Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann 1 27
154 Naruto 1 126
155 Quiz: How much are you worth in bed? 1 20
156 Red Dead Redemption 1 19
157 I'm On a Boat Iraq Style 1 7
158 XEOGAMING!!!! 1 13
159 Scott Pilgrim vs. The World 1 86
160 (restricted forum) 1 33
161 Broke 4000 club 1 23
162 Kenta 1 1
163 Fan fiction 1 2
164 Awards? 1 13
165 Legion question 1 3
166 Magic: The Gathering 1 21
167 Who was the better batman? 1 28
168 Alastor (revamped) 1 8
169 Ever Got Caught Doing Something Embarrassing? Pass on the stories! 1 10
170 Trying to identify an anime series/movie (NSFW!!!!) 1 10
171 Share your jokes! 1 20
172 Kid is VERY grateful for getting an Xbox360 and Halo 1 6
173 Shaman King 1 2
174 The General Internet Radio thread! 1 6
175 What did YOU just buy? 1 24
176 Do you suck dick!? BULLSHIT! I bet you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose! 1 4
177 Fallout: New Vegas 1 65
178 Halo Reach 1 37
179 My Muse... 1 8
180 Mobile Xeogaming 1 11
181 If videogame characters used facebook 1 8
182 Panty and Stocking 1 6
183 Rogue vs Bitmap 1 24
184 Coolest. Dad. Ever. 1 2
185 US Army Fail... my signal battalion 1 4
186 Cool Flight attendant 1 6
187 Robocop Statue to be erected in none other than Detroit 1 8
188 Some sketch art I want to show 1 4
189 Hi Kettle my name is Pot and.. Your Black. 1 18
190 Current Guilty Pleasures? 1 50
191 IPad Games 1 3
192 What I've Been Up To 1 12
193 Busy? 1 604
194 PS3 Help!!! 1 6
195 I don't know where else to post this... 1 16
196 Wonder Woman 1 16
197 Mad Matt: This guy isn't even tired! 1 3
198 How to get a toy phone to swear... 1 3
199 Weirdest Penises of the Animal Kingdom 1 6
200 Elder Vulkar 1 7
201 X-MEN 1 13
202 Cairoi!! 1 6
203 Tens of thousands of prison inmates to be released. Should criminals get better health care? 1 11
204 KPop Boy Bands 1 7
205 Firefox Nightly 1 6
206 Living with a demented old woman 1 52
207 Real-Life Deadpool Patrols Small Town in Washington 1 19
208 Professional Starcraft 2 Bronze League TV 1 4
210 MjAwMA== 1 11
211 Gaming Music Thread (youtube heavy) 1 55
212 Twisted Metal [PS3]: It's good to be back 1 17
213 You will never guess what this ad is about! 1 3
214 51-year-old Actor Marries 16-year-old Girl 1 13
215 Your Room 1 7
216 Ryan Dunn and driving drunk 1 10
217 Team Fortress 2 1 5
218 Currently watching? 1 393
219 C'thulhu has a birthday? 1 6
220 Weird Al Yankovic: Alpocalypse 1 14
221 Girls' Generation 1 1
222 What turns you on? 1 29
223 How do you listen to your music? 1 18
224 SPACEEEEE!!!!! 1 7
225 Went to the movies and this was the first ad... 1 11
226 "Conan: The Barbarian" Remake (Clips Posted) 1 6
227 That's not where 2k watt bass speakers go! 1 4
228 modern sonic meets classic sonic 1 3
229 Holy my Dick! (Fuck Madden!) 1 2
230 Most Sexist Commercial Ever? 1 4
231 Just had a death in the family 1 20
232 Traditional Marriage 1 8
233 The Avengers (Trailer posted) 1 14
234 It's THAT time of year AGAIN (Breast Cancer Awareness Month)!! 1 39

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