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02-18-25 06:26 PM
0 users currently in Sunset Waterfall.
Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - Ok, now I'm offended. | | Thread closed
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User Post
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6758 days
Last activity: 6644 days
Posted on 08-18-06 05:45 PM Link
Stop closing my threads.

Stop calling me an idiot.

Stop pretending to be better than me when you guys have done the same shit.

I will continue making pointless threads in Xeoland, and I will continue posting large images in them. I will do this because I can do it. There are no rules that state that I am not allowed to post large images, besides, last time I checked, Xeoland didn't have any rules.

Hey, here's an idea. If you still continue to close my threads and call me an idiot for starting threads that don't have a point, why don't you at least be consistant and close every thread in Xeoland that doesn't have a point. Or you could even just get rid of this forum, since you seem to hate it so much.

Oh, and if you don't let me back in Xeoland, I'll need somewhere else to post hentai and stuff.

Fuckin' Chuck Norris...

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3919 days
Last activity: 3814 days
Posted on 08-18-06 05:57 PM Link
Dude, you need to calm down. All of your threads were rightfully closed. As for the no rules thing:

Originally posted by Xeo
Just don't intintionally spam, and junk like that ...

What you have been doing is definately spam.
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6758 days
Last activity: 6644 days
Posted on 08-18-06 06:14 PM Link
I didn't want to have to do this, but...

(Last edited by X Marks the Spot on 08-18-06 09:20 PM)

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3919 days
Last activity: 3814 days
Posted on 08-18-06 06:21 PM Link
Okay, there has been some spam, but that was fun spam. Yours is opening 5 threads at a time with nothing in them, and no point. At least those threads made a joke or something.
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6758 days
Last activity: 6644 days
Posted on 08-18-06 06:34 PM Link
Did nobody look at the Snakes on a Plane poster that I posted. It was most definately a joke.

There have been more pointless threads made than mine, one's that weren't even really funny. The people who made those did not have their threads closed, nor were they banned from that forum for them.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 14 days
Last activity: 5 days
Posted on 08-18-06 06:59 PM Link
You obviously, didn't notice I'd close threads there left and right sometimes for the hell of it. Who cared? It was a goofy, pointless forum in the first place.

And its not like you can't get in Xeoland anymore. But if you can find a way to post there, make a thread, or whatnot, you'll get some nice baked cookies.

Also looks like I mispelled intentionally.

(Last edited by Xeowar on 08-18-06 10:02 PM)
Slow Ride
Take It Easy

Since: 01-10-05

Since last post: 6615 days
Last activity: 5965 days
Posted on 08-18-06 07:08 PM Link
It is all in moderation, you have a shot of vodka you'll feel the effects to a lower degree but when you start drinking 10+ shots you are not coherent. When you get to 20 shots you become an obnoixous drunk. 30 shots and everyone wants you to leave the party. 40 shots and you end up like John Bonham (drummer of Led Zeppelin) who died from Alcohol poisoning from 40+ shots and various substances. The only difference between you and John is you will not be missed. You have no reason to be here than annoy others which is not a reason at all.

In moderation, most of the threads in xeoland are spam when compared to other threads of the board but they are fun threads. Your threads tend to fall on the side of a forty-year-old man riding the short bus to kindergarden.

You and your friends do nothing more than smuck up the dignity and intelligence of this board. You are in short a disgraceful member.

Originally posted by "X Marks the Spot

There have been more pointless threads made than mine, one's that weren't even really funny.

We removed the newbie forum which does make your threads and posts one of the crappiest and just like beauty, humor is in the eyes of the beholder.

Originally posted by "X"

Hey, here's an idea. If you still continue to close my threads and call me an idiot for starting threads that don't have a point, why don't you at least be consistant and close every thread in Xeoland that doesn't have a point. Or you could even just get rid of this forum, since you seem to hate it so much.

Oh, and if you don't let me back in Xeoland, I'll need somewhere else to post hentai and stuff.

The plan is pretty much to get rid of it, just a forum where people abuse their right to be more idiotic than usual but I don't see any difference between your normal forum posts and your xeoland posts.

Yes, you are the internet god and all of the world relies on getting their #1 premium source of hentai and porno from you because you are so great and full of self esteem. Make a bulleted list why don't you? You know you want to empower yourself with the might bullets. Little boy, any ten year old can get cracked passwords to porn sites, illegal downloads, music, etc.

You are just that, a little boy with a short fuse who happens to be very immature.

The only joke here X is you and your friends, as I've said many a times "Shape up or ship out" Well your chances to shape up X have been spent and I hope you enjoy to be long time ban with shaddow. You two seem to get along very well, maybe you should make your own board and bring all of your friends there. Maybe you could do whatever you want without be yelled at.

You are a little whiney bitch who needs to shut the fuck up and go leave this place alone. You are not welcome here.

Under normal circumstances I would not flame, however I do believe certain staff members in high ranking areas feel the same.

P.S. I do really hate you.

(Last edited by HoboConductor on 08-18-06 10:09 PM)
Kard Ayals
The Ultimate
Atk361 Int279
Def389 Spd281
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Posted on 08-18-06 07:16 PM Link
Goodbye XeoLand.

May you go to porn heaven.


Oh wait.

Guess that answers the question.

If you've got anything else to say, I'll be more than happy to see it in a PM.
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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - Ok, now I'm offended. | Thread closed

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