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Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2036 days
Last activity: 2036 days
Posted on 08-08-17 07:03 PM Link
So, what communities do you frequent on the Internet?

I have my own tiny community, as a few people here may know if they have seen the link in my signature, though at the moment it doesn't really have anything worth checking out (although I will be posting content and stuff in the future).

Generally, I hang around Retro Gamer (35 posts in 4 days of registering there as a matter of fact), Mac4Mac, IGNBoards, and GBATemp, although I frequent a few others too from time to time. Obviously I am getting more active on Xeogaming lately, and will hopefully see to contribute in the future here.

Also, about this place, it's small but really chilled out in my opinion.

Used to frequent Vizzed since 2014 (probably the community I've been at longer than any other) although left the community in May as I felt it was going extremely downhill there.

(Last edited by Luigi442wii on 08-08-17 07:10 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 11 days
Last activity: 2 days
Posted on 08-08-17 08:07 PM Link
Well if you have some friends that you think would like it here, the more the better! Back in our heyday I want to say we averaged like 100 posts a day maybe or so. People went their ways eventually though and the rise of FB and social media kind of destroyed a lot of forums. I think people were getting a little tired of AB's too, it had such a crazy history of ups and downs. FYI, Xeogaming is the third incarnation of my board (or fourth if I count the weird temp free one I had in between the timeline), so we also had to go through a few reboots.

I was so knee deep in running this place in its various incarnations, or being admins at other AB's, that fast forward a decade and half later... I've kind of gone the complete opposite route now and don't do forums much or even Discord/Slack with my friends. Just kind of like to keep to myself now. After awhile I think I still got some staff requests on some places, but started turning that all down since I didn't have the drive anymore. Metroid Metal forums was one place I loved that lasted for a long time, but it was like overnight everyone just decided to stop going and became abandoned years ago. I frequent Racketboy forums thesedays and that's it outside of here. I used to be on some hentai boards but they all died over time haha...

I've still got the PC fever though and am on too much. I like using Backloggery, or Letterbox, Myanimelist, etc, to keep track of things I watch and play. And I'm pretty hooked on a lot of youtube channels and more recently some Twitch streamers now.

(Last edited by Xeoman on 08-08-17 08:07 PM)


Since: 07-16-17
From: Somewhere in Time

Since last post: 2590 days
Last activity: 2528 days
Posted on 08-11-17 04:48 AM Link
As far as forums go, this is it at the moment. I've cut off my ties to Vizzed, and the other forums I used to frequent are entirely dead (one hasn't had a post in a calendar year).

I frequent a few slack channels, and I'm a writer and moderator for Over the Monster (a Red Sox fan blog run by SB Nation), but my internet presence has diminished significantly in recent years.

I also run a Discord server, which is mostly cancer, so that's fun.

Most of my communities are offline, now.


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2036 days
Last activity: 2036 days
Posted on 08-11-17 09:01 AM Link
Originally posted by Xeoman
Well if you have some friends that you think would like it here, the more the better! Back in our heyday I want to say we averaged like 100 posts a day maybe or so. People went their ways eventually though and the rise of FB and social media kind of destroyed a lot of forums. I think people were getting a little tired of AB's too, it had such a crazy history of ups and downs. FYI, Xeogaming is the third incarnation of my board (or fourth if I count the weird temp free one I had in between the timeline), so we also had to go through a few reboots.

I was so knee deep in running this place in its various incarnations, or being admins at other AB's, that fast forward a decade and half later... I've kind of gone the complete opposite route now and don't do forums much or even Discord/Slack with my friends. Just kind of like to keep to myself now. After awhile I think I still got some staff requests on some places, but started turning that all down since I didn't have the drive anymore. Metroid Metal forums was one place I loved that lasted for a long time, but it was like overnight everyone just decided to stop going and became abandoned years ago. I frequent Racketboy forums thesedays and that's it outside of here. I used to be on some hentai boards but they all died over time haha...

I've still got the PC fever though and am on too much. I like using Backloggery, or Letterbox, Myanimelist, etc, to keep track of things I watch and play. And I'm pretty hooked on a lot of youtube channels and more recently some Twitch streamers now.

Sadly, I have tried referring a few people and most of them said no, not sure why because there are some nice faces here, and good discussion. My board in its heyday would average around 100 posts a day too, the record posts was something like 300 in 24 hours... and the post quality was actually really good considering how many post were made on such a small site.

As for AcmlmBoards, I definitely agree there is a bad stigma attached to them due to their shady history and the fact nearly all of them are about game hacking, this is probably one of the only boards I know that hasn't got any involvement in that sort of thing. It's really sad that IRC and forums die off nowadays - I don't really like Discord or all the modern big social media. Speaking of which, does anyone use the IRC here?

I'm not really hooked onto many YT channels, though.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 11 days
Last activity: 2 days
Posted on 08-11-17 05:57 PM Link
I never really got too into IRC myself.

Yeah I dipped into some rom hacking myself at some points and tried some editors or changing values with stuff, but there were so many AB's that focused on that and I never wanted this place to be about that. The idea for XG was to be a general gaming site for reviews/news but that never really took off. There was a main page up at some point with some reviews submitted by users, but yeah that was ages ago. So I eventually just had everything redirect to the board.

Metroid editing was my favorite back in the day, I think with Metedit or something like that. I was excited when Super Metroid and Link to the Past editors came out, but then quickly realized I didn't have the patience for it and never used them much haha.


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2036 days
Last activity: 2036 days
Posted on 08-12-17 12:36 PM Link
Hm, I'm usually lurking on my own channel a lot, although there's not much activity (when the actual userbase currently consists of 7 users, that kinda explains a lot, and most of those said people prefer to hang on Discord, a place I avoid because I was catfished by someone on the service.)

Aww, if I didn't have my own blog for things then I would have loved to contribute to the main page of this site...

Medicine Melancholy
My life may be lonely sometimes, even with my beloved family.

Since: 02-16-07
From: Hunts Point Bronx, New York

Since last post: 2744 days
Last activity: 2702 days
Posted on 08-12-17 05:37 PM Link
As for me, ROM-Hacking was my primary hobby for the community. 2017 or even the past years is when companies like Nintendo DMCA'd and C & D anyone that makes the games using their Intellectual Property including to developers that makes fan games that can be played on PC. Square Enix is the same result and they don't embrace fan games.

I got into social media than my forum Insectduel's Board which is lost of interest. I wanted to design the forum using Acmlmboard but I don't have MySQL or PHP knowledge or to how to set the forums up. That is why I chose a simpler forum creator like ProBoards. My forum has stopped operation since like 2013. Even with Photobucket requiring payment, my forum has already died because it became useless.

Today, Facebook introduces fanpages to create their group pages and I have my closed group page Super Mario Bros. 3 ROM-Hackers Guild which allows fans or creators to showcase their custom SMB3 levels using software tools by screenshots or posting a Facebook video or a YouTube link. Super Mario Maker is still a great game by the way but SMB3 modding has been the longest run since 2004.

(Last edited by insectduel on 08-12-17 05:39 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 11 days
Last activity: 2 days
Posted on 08-12-17 07:10 PM Link
Good to see you still pop in sometimes insectduel!


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2036 days
Last activity: 2036 days
Posted on 08-23-17 11:55 AM Link
Originally posted by insectduel
I got into social media than my forum Insectduel's Board which is lost of interest. I wanted to design the forum using Acmlmboard but I don't have MySQL or PHP knowledge or to how to set the forums up. That is why I chose a simpler forum creator like ProBoards. My forum has stopped operation since like 2013. Even with Photobucket requiring payment, my forum has already died because it became useless.

You don't need PHP or MySQL knowledge to run an AcmlmBoard, I run a small one for friends and really anyone (although it's only my friends who are on it) and I don't have much knowledge of PHP or MySQL. All you need is a web host that can support it.

Surprised you don't really come on here much considering this forum is like a small, but open-to-all little corner for everyone.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 719 days
Last activity: 528 days
Posted on 07-27-18 09:31 AM Link
Most of my communities are either on Facebook or Tumblr.

One of my hobbies is going to tiki bars and collecting tiki mugs. There's quite a few tiki communities, and it's been fascinating watching the mug-trading groups.

Outside of that, I'm in a few Reylo communities.


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2036 days
Last activity: 2036 days
Posted on 07-28-18 12:09 PM Link
I've started a gaming board. Again. lmao

Only reason worth going there atm is that it runs a live version of a Jul fork, otherwise it's worth dismissing. It's a shame this place isn't that well maintained anymore and Xeo seems even dormant (no login since the 12th). Otherwise I'd use here...

I'm going to support this place until it dies completely, however.

(In fact I'd love to support you guys by giving Xeo access to my own VPS, but it runs on PHP7 and MariaDB 10... that said if we use the same Jul fork it would work, I think AB192 DB may be convertable?)

The fork in question is on github as Kak2x/jul

(Last edited by Luigi442wii on 07-28-18 12:13 PM)

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 185 days
Last activity: 185 days
Posted on 07-29-18 04:20 PM Link
I sort of have communities, but I am not really an active participant at this time... the LARP community is probably the biggest one, since I write for a game, but I have only gone to a game once. Other than that, the Dragon Age fan community and general nerdiness is about all I got... unless you count a few book groups.


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2036 days
Last activity: 2036 days
Posted on 07-30-18 08:01 AM Link
Originally posted by Elara
I sort of have communities, but I am not really an active participant at this time... the LARP community is probably the biggest one, since I write for a game, but I have only gone to a game once. Other than that, the Dragon Age fan community and general nerdiness is about all I got... unless you count a few book groups.

Glad to see you still here elara

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 11 days
Last activity: 2 days
Posted on 07-30-18 10:45 PM Link
Originally posted by Luigi442wii
I've started a gaming board. Again. lmao

Only reason worth going there atm is that it runs a live version of a Jul fork, otherwise it's worth dismissing. It's a shame this place isn't that well maintained anymore and Xeo seems even dormant (no login since the 12th). Otherwise I'd use here...

I'm going to support this place until it dies completely, however.

(In fact I'd love to support you guys by giving Xeo access to my own VPS, but it runs on PHP7 and MariaDB 10... that said if we use the same Jul fork it would work, I think AB192 DB may be convertable?)

The fork in question is on github as Kak2x/jul

Wish I could do something about the bots and registration.

I apologize I haven't been around much lately. I don't like it either, lots of health issues and chronic pain in the way of things thesedays. Hoping to figure things out soon.


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2036 days
Last activity: 2036 days
Posted on 07-31-18 06:12 AM Link
I'd say, if this board doesn't work out for us anymore, then is our best bet

XG reminds me of Kafuka a little. It's more general discussion than anything now and the few people that frequent (albeit not as "few" as here) are very nice people!
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