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02-06-25 10:52 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Ryan
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User Post

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Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4721 days
Last activity: 4681 days
Posted on 02-28-05 11:35 AM, in Xeogaming RPG Link
Better re-post this then:

For those who didn't know, I'm taking the role of creating an RPG for Xeogaming (This project was started by someone else, although if that little twat hadn't deleted all the posts I could have said who started it but there we go)

There are three main characters:
Grey Fox (Me)
and Jaques (Vulkar)

The bad guys include (Don't know game names):
X Marks the spot
The Polititian
and a few other people I've forgotten about

Pointless NPC's: HoboConductor

I've managed to get three characters into the database (without char-sets, battle chars etc.) and I have made three completely un-modified maps: Xeogred's Castle, the first village and a dark forest (No name's yet)

And that is about it. I know all of the people who post on the game creation no about this anyway, and I'd be very surprised if someone else did

(Last edited by RYjet911 on 03-03-05 04:07 PM)

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Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4721 days
Last activity: 4681 days
Posted on 02-28-05 12:45 PM, in Angry Mob RP Link
Name: Grey Fox

"I'll use my own weapon thanks"

*Grey takes his highly precision cut H.F. Blade, sharp enough to cut diamond in one swipe*

"You lead the way" *Follows Jexim*

(ooc: Does anyone know his real address so we can REALLY kill him?)

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Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4721 days
Last activity: 4681 days
Posted on 03-01-05 07:47 AM, in Xeogaming RPG Link
There are no screenshots as of yet because I'm still creating char-sets for moving around etc. All I've really got is the battle picture of Grey Fox and I used Kaijins user pic for his, unless he wants it changed...

That is about all that is done at the moment

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Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4721 days
Last activity: 4681 days
Posted on 03-01-05 11:55 AM, in Xeogaming RPG Link
maybe 3 months, maybe a year, maybe longer, who knows
im still trying to get resources for extra monsters and stuff...

I need to ask you something too, is it okay if I use the story of Jaques in the story? I mean he starts off normal and gains his dragon powers later in the game?

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Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4721 days
Last activity: 4681 days
Posted on 03-03-05 11:24 AM, in resident evil Link
Name: Ryan
age: 19
Height: 6'2''
Weapons: Dagger, sword and single 45mm socom

*A door smashes down nearby the team, and Ryan jumps through backwards shooting something inside. As he continues, a person walks out, seemingly unharmed by the gunfire. his head was severed in about 5 different places and he walked slowly, with a terrible limp. Ryan sees the gang who don't look like these creatures and shouts across to them*

"Bloody hell guys help me kill these things!" *one other limps through the door and one crawls behind it as he says this*

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Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4721 days
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Posted on 03-03-05 11:28 AM, in Unreal 3 Link
that looks awesome... only trouble is that some developers now-a-days don't use the full capabilities of some engines. I've seen some new PC games that have some absolutely crap graphics

I hope when games are made with this they will have the graphics to go with it. I wonder if the could make an almost realistic sims...

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Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4721 days
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Posted on 03-03-05 11:47 AM, in RayCrash Link
A brilliant shooting game. create you robot, create or join an arena and blast the living smeg out of the opposing players. RayCrash

I'm currently not very good at this and if you have a slow connection you have to be a hell of a guy whenn it comes to lag shooting... i have trouble actually DAMAGING the players (I hit them on my screen but they dont get hurt) and the only way to be sure i've huit them is to use my sword. I am RYjet911 on it

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Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4721 days
Last activity: 4681 days
Posted on 03-03-05 12:09 PM, in resident evil Link
*Ryan lifts equips his sword and jams it in the crawling creature's head. It stopped moving, so Ryan replaced his sword with his gun and followed the stranger*

"Who are you? and where are we going?"

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Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4721 days
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Posted on 03-03-05 12:29 PM, in resident evil Link
*Ryan follows close behind* "Well three others who aren't zombies. You lookin for a way out the city?" *Hands Moogle a roughly orange crayon drawn map* "It was the best I could do before my room got attacked. I was about to rob the local bank and this was my escape plan. I'm not sure how many creatures will be in the way though"

*Ryan points at part of the route on the map* "This was the quickest way out of town. the only trouble is that we have to go through the subway, and that would be crawling with them"

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Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4721 days
Last activity: 4681 days
Posted on 03-03-05 12:31 PM, in Xeogaming RPG Link
I've had that trouble. although it wasn't two frames. I was making a small stickman fight series on my old computer. I managed to get 6 entire episodes done, but I lost interest (and these never got uploaded to the internet either). When i tried to make them again the didn't look right and took me two days to draw 3 frames so i gave up

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Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4721 days
Last activity: 4681 days
Posted on 03-03-05 01:06 PM, in Xeogaming RPG Link
I knew there was some other person... I've put you on the list too

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Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4721 days
Last activity: 4681 days
Posted on 03-04-05 10:39 AM, in resident evil Link
(ooc: blimey this rp went quick didn't it?)

BIC: *Ryan jumps onto his escape motorbike and follows the car close behind. When he gets to the facility he shoots a zombie reaching in after Torque, blowing it's head off*

"Hey you left without me!" *He follows Moogle into the entrance, then goes in the oppsite direction*

Is back!

Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4721 days
Last activity: 4681 days
Posted on 03-04-05 10:41 AM, in RayCrash Link
hmm... I'm having trouble loging on at the moment... I think the server is bust

btw I think your name is already taken. I battled someone a few days ago called kaijin

Is back!

Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4721 days
Last activity: 4681 days
Posted on 03-05-05 02:39 AM, in Xeogaming RPG Link
You want to be in it then? The only reason no girls are in it at the moment is no girl has wanted to be in it

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Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4721 days
Last activity: 4681 days
Posted on 03-05-05 07:00 AM, in Runescape Link
These are the materials you can get for swords/axes (Brackets show what ore you need to make it):

Bronze (1 Copper ore + 1 Tin ore)
Iron (1 iron ore)
Steel (1 iron ore + 2 coal)
Black (Can't be made)
Mythril (1 mythril ore)
Adamant (1 adamantite)
Rune (1 runite)

I used to play but I sold my account to a mate

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Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4721 days
Last activity: 4681 days
Posted on 03-05-05 11:22 AM, in resident evil Link
"I think we'll be a little delayed"

*Ryan notices two of the zombies were carryin grenade launchers, but clearly had no idea how to use them. Ryan uses his gun to delay the creatures and uses his sword to clear a path. he grabs both grenade launchers and jumps back. He gets a large scratch across his right arm and another down his left leg. he throws the launchers towards Torque and splatters the head of a zombie about to bite his foot off. He runs towards the hatch, grabbing the launchers and Torque with him, jumps down and closes it.*

"I'm not sure this route was safe either" *The sounds of the creatures echo above them. ryan rumages through his ruck-sack and pulls out a first aid spray* "don't worry, there's plenty more where that came from." *He sprays the wounded areas and they begin to close up quite quickly* "These things are so useful... speed up the healing process of wounds by 100 times and remove most harmful bacteria... If only there was a place we could find some information... WAIT! I remember something about a secret underground lab that was testing this VERY dangerouse virus that managed to escape... All i know is that it can only be passed from person to person but I'm not sure if it links with those things... it is accessible from these very sewers. While we're here we should check it out"

*Ryan pulls out another map, this one being much more detailed than the first, even though a bit crumpled, and hands it to moogle* "Here is an ALMOST complete map of the sewers. it has routes here to other cities, rubbish tips, even the main sewage system of the city. as long as we dont end up running into more of those things down here, or read the map upside down, we should be able to easily find it... there are only three known routes I haven't checked"

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Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4721 days
Last activity: 4681 days
Posted on 03-06-05 04:36 AM, in Runescape Link
adamantite and runite are the ores of adamant and rune weapons/armour.

When you become a member you get a lot of new features...
4 times the bank acount space
double your buddy list space
dragon metal armour/weapons
clue quests... an easy way of getting great items, although the clue scrolls are hard to get
twice as much map to explore
able to duel in the alkarhid arena

Here is a list of the different weapons and armour (available in all metal types):

Arrow Tips (members only)
Long Sword
2 Hand Sword
Plate Body
Throwing Daggers (bronze, iron and steel only/members only)

There are probably more but i havent played in a while and this is what i remember

(Last edited by RYjet911 on 03-06-05 07:39 AM)

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Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4721 days
Last activity: 4681 days
Posted on 03-06-05 01:25 PM, in Xeogaming RPG Link
fine, you can be... the first boss

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Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4721 days
Last activity: 4681 days
Posted on 03-07-05 01:30 AM, in resident evil Link
"lucky those things had these launchers then" *Ryan Puts one round his back and the other on the floor. He points on the map* "There is a route only a few 100 metres away from here. as long as we are not caught up by the things, we should get there in about 5-10 minutes"

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Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4721 days
Last activity: 4681 days
Posted on 03-07-05 10:04 AM, in Xeogaming RPG Link
I was thinking of using many people from the forum for NPC's. You could be like a shop assistant who always seems to be in the same town (like the old NES games where there was only ever one person running every shop in the game)
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Ryan

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