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02-06-25 11:07 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by The PulP
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User Post
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6316 days
Last activity: 6293 days
Posted on 08-25-07 07:17 PM, in Laptops... and desktops too Link
a really great place to get komputer parts or komputer real kheap is
but what ever you do. NEVER GET A COMPAQ they SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Last edited by TriggerHappy on 08-25-07 10:19 PM)
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6316 days
Last activity: 6293 days
Posted on 08-25-07 07:17 PM, in Hikari Music Box Link
that was really great i listened to it multiple times
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6316 days
Last activity: 6293 days
Posted on 08-25-07 07:28 PM, in What's my SNES missing? Link
Kirby's Avalanche
you really have to get this game it is sooooooo much fun
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6316 days
Last activity: 6293 days
Posted on 08-26-07 10:14 PM, in ~ 10 hours of sleep, 20+ hours of work (2 days), homework, etc ... yikes Link
Originally posted by XeoLVII
ie: I think I'm going crazy right now. Food sounds good.

everyone is krazy in there own way and food is amzing
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6316 days
Last activity: 6293 days
Posted on 08-27-07 09:51 PM, in Haruhi Dance... IN PRISON!?!? Link
Those inmates have done so many different dances you can go to youtube and watch them all they are amazing. I mean WOW you have to watch them just think about what other stuff they could do!!?!
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6316 days
Last activity: 6293 days
Posted on 08-27-07 09:57 PM, in Who cares about Counterfeit Minis? Just slap this guy! Link
OMG that is so much fun i wish i could slap people in my life like that
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6316 days
Last activity: 6293 days
Posted on 08-29-07 01:01 PM, in Shininglight - The sign up board Link
I would like to join my charcter would be as follows:

Code Name: PulP
Secret Identity: Bob MoneyBags
Height: 6'1"
Race: Human
Hair: Green
Eyes: Blue-Green with a ring of Gold
Special Powers: Well train in hand-to-hand combat as well as firearms and explosives, as well as superior strength.
Bio: Born in 1984 in the town of York, his family moved to the U.S. when he was 2. The government told his family that he had a horrible disease and had to be put into a hospital. Shortly after that his parents where told that he had died while he was in the hospita. He was then drafted into the Superman program at the early age of four. , he was placed at the only facility that seemed suitably for him at that time, a milatary training camp. There he excelled in his training and went on to be a well decorated Seargent. Always carring at least his Desert Eagle with him. He refused multiple promotions to remain on the frontline.


(Last edited by TriggerHappy on 08-29-07 11:57 PM)
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6316 days
Last activity: 6293 days
Posted on 08-29-07 06:15 PM, in Cover of the Rolling Stones Link
OMG this song is amazing and there are so many videos on youtube and you just have to love this song so for you to listen here are a few of my favorite videos clips from youtube

Hope you enjoy it!!

(Last edited by TriggerHappy on 08-29-07 09:20 PM)
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6316 days
Last activity: 6293 days
Posted on 08-29-07 07:37 PM, in Shininglight Link
Code Name: PulP
Secret Identity: Bob MoneyBags
Height: 6'1"
Race: Human
Hair: Green
Eyes: Blue-Green with a ring of Gold
Special Powers: Well train in hand-to-hand combat as well as firearms and explosives, as well as superior strength.
Bio: Born in 1984 in the town of York, his family moved to the U.S. when he was 2. The government told his family that he had a horrible disease and had to be put into a hospital. Shortly after that his parents where told that he had died while he was in the hospital. A Soviet Union sleeper cell had actually bribed the right people in the hospital and they started his training as soon as he could walk. Shortly after the break-up of the Soviet Union the sleeper cell was discovered by the FBI and all members were excuted in a secert lab except for him. Because of his age, he was placed at the only facility that seemed suitable for him at that time, a milatary training camp. There he excelled in his training and went on to be a well decorated Seargent. Always carring at least his Desert Eagle with him. He refused multiple promotions to remain on the frontline. The only thing he loves more than killing other people would be blowing stuff up.
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6316 days
Last activity: 6293 days
Posted on 08-29-07 07:48 PM, in New, not very official, have you ever thread. Link
yes but not anymore
here is someone who actually believe the world is flat

Have you ever been to Canada with a hipie?
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6316 days
Last activity: 6293 days
Posted on 08-29-07 11:09 PM, in True's Anime Trivia Link
is it Trigun?
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6316 days
Last activity: 6293 days
Posted on 08-30-07 06:42 AM, in Samurai Warriors Link
I'm interested and i think i would like the character interacting with each other.
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6316 days
Last activity: 6293 days
Posted on 08-30-07 06:54 AM, in Shininglight Link
*PulP starts scartching his head in disbelife*

I thought that Elves were creatures from a fairy-tale and now you tell me that they are real??!!! How come I have never heard about them before?

*Stares at Illusia thinking about what she said*

And how would we go about stopping these "Shadow Knights" people anyways?

(Last edited by TriggerHappy on 08-30-07 09:54 AM)
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6316 days
Last activity: 6293 days
Posted on 08-30-07 03:12 PM, in Shininglight Link
*grins at the hearing of a new training regemine worndering what will happen first then starts eyeing a paiting on the wall while playing with the hilt of his gun*

"It has been a while since I shoot anything"

*thinks back to yesterday which was last when he shot his gun. PulP suddenly whips out his gun and fires three shots at the paiting*

"so who are the other people that are going to be helping us because with just me and her"

*sweeps his hand in the general direction that Illusia is standing*

"we are never going to be able to stop much more than the a sandbox gang?"
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6316 days
Last activity: 6293 days
Posted on 08-30-07 03:15 PM, in New, not very official, have you ever thread. Link
no can't say that i have

Have you ever got 15 people to stand on a single chair just because you could?
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6316 days
Last activity: 6293 days
Posted on 08-30-07 06:19 PM, in New, not very official, have you ever thread. Link
not that i can recall

Have you ever had your knees sweating
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6316 days
Last activity: 6293 days
Posted on 08-30-07 07:39 PM, in Shininglight Link
*PulP stands up and walks over to where the others are standing*

*Looking at Illusia*
"I'm am sorry"

*turns to face Andraele*
"I am ready to begin my training and do whatever it takes to kill those SOB's"
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6316 days
Last activity: 6293 days
Posted on 08-30-07 07:43 PM, in Treasured Shards (KIBA based rp) Link
Name: The PulP of Orange(refered to as The PulP)
Age: 23
Personality: determined, manipulative, lordly
Hair: Dark Purple
Eyes: Blue-Green with a slight golden tint
Shardcaster Mark: on the plam of the left hand is a purple flame(covers the entire palm and even starts to wrap around the fingers)
Race: Human
Outfit: Light body armor black in color(turns dark purple and grows into heavy paladin armor upon the insertion of shards into the dragon emblem on the chest plate of the armor) with a drak purple cape and hard leather boots.
Country of Origin: Neotopia extreme prejudice against the Karbuhu People
Country In Now: Tempura, The PulP heard that there was one of the six treasured spirits in the temple of the seven sages.
Job: Knight
Weapon: Carries a sword aprx. 5' 6" in length that amplifies the power of the shard put in the hilt of the sword. Also carries a arrows(a shard can be placed in the tip) and crossbow on his horse. As a last resort he has 2 daggers sheathed inside his boots(one in each boot) aprx. 6.5" long(no shard can be use on these)
History: He traveled country to country in search of the treasure. He looks for the six treasured spirits so that his country can use them to vanquish their enimies and rule their rightful territory.
Spirit Name: Ra
Details: Man with hawk head. Power is fire. His powers diminish the longer he is summond.

**Would prefere to be the Villian if possible(my shiffty eyes cannot help my face changes color)**
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6316 days
Last activity: 6293 days
Posted on 08-30-07 10:55 PM, in Shininglight Link
"alright then"

*Runs over to the weight and picks up on the side and starts working his way under it until he is in the center of it. He then stands up completely with his arms completly extened above his head and then turns and stares at Andraele for a momenment. then turns and throws the weight aprx. 65 yards*
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6316 days
Last activity: 6293 days
Posted on 08-30-07 11:06 PM, in Shininglight Link
*walks back over to where the other two are standing*

(looking at Lexa)"Wish I could do the thing you did."

(turns towards Andraele)"You think I could learn stuff like that?"
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by The PulP

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