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02-15-25 05:30 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by VGFreak877
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User Post


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3779 days
Last activity: 3591 days
Posted on 02-28-05 03:54 PM, in Why do people... Link
Actually Xeo, you have every right to complain. Heck, I know for sure that I would. And as far as why people do these stupid things, because they enjoy seeing people suffer -- that's how they get through the day, sadly. If they don't deal out their daily "punishment", they're not happy. And yes, people who say "Well, why didn't you fix this problem in this first place" obviously don't care about the welfare of the boards in the first place.


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3779 days
Last activity: 3591 days
Posted on 02-28-05 08:31 PM, in Snow....damnit... Link
Yeah, supposedly, there's going to be 2 storms in 1 coming here tomorrow. It's supposed to last all day tomorrow and then go into Wednesday. Man, all of these storms are getting ridiculous. I feel for you Sparda though -- since I have to travel about 45 minutes to my job 5 days out of the week. About 10 minutes of that is woody road that I have to travel on before getting to any main road -- and that road is full of pumps, holes, and pits all over the place due to the snow and water getting underneath. Yeah, I'm not looking forward to shoveling out of this storm at all.

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 02-28-05 11:32 PM)


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3779 days
Last activity: 3591 days
Posted on 02-28-05 08:34 PM, in How many posts and what percent of them you are. Link
Heh, well, I didn't have that many posts to begin with, so I only had about 17% earlier in the afternoon today. Now, I have about 7.5% of the posts. But I'm sure those who have percentages in the 200 or 300 range are going to drop like lead balloons as we get our posts back in here.

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 02-28-05 11:35 PM)


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3779 days
Last activity: 3591 days
Posted on 02-28-05 08:37 PM, in Snow....damnit... Link
That's around the ballpark figure of what I've heard we're going to get. I've heard on some stations that our particular area is going to get over a foot of snow. My area always gets more snow because I live in the mountains. And the snowplowers do a crappy job of plowing our roads, let me tell you.

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 02-28-05 11:37 PM)


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3779 days
Last activity: 3591 days
Posted on 03-01-05 01:05 PM, in Snow....damnit... Link
Heh, I fell on my ass when I went to shovel some of the snow off of my driveway a little bit ago. But it didn't hurt though -- I guess because there was so much snow, the snow acted as a padding. I didn't even bother trying to catch myself from falling, lol.

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 03-01-05 04:05 PM)


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3779 days
Last activity: 3591 days
Posted on 03-01-05 02:21 PM, in The Ultimate Riddle Challenge! Link
The "hired help" carried more of the load since "they" can carry more. So, in other words, the "hired help" were his horses (most likely) carrying some of the load for him. I'm probably wrong on who carried the heavier load, but I'm pretty sure that his "hired help" were animal(s).

Edit: I was too slow, but wrong anyways. I guess I was reading too much into it.

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 03-01-05 05:28 PM)


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3779 days
Last activity: 3591 days
Posted on 03-07-05 12:56 PM, in Intelligence Test Link
Yeah, I've seen this before as well. I'll admit, when I first saw this, I missed the F's that are in the "OFs", but I was able to catch them this time.

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 03-07-05 03:57 PM)


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3779 days
Last activity: 3591 days
Posted on 03-07-05 02:07 PM, in Cereals Link
What kind of cereals do you guys like to eat the most? Below are probably the Top 5 cereals I would eat the most:

(1) Pops
(2) Cheerios
(3) Wheat Chex
(4) Corn Flakes
(5) Any other sugar-coated cereal (most likely Froot Loops)

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 03-07-05 05:07 PM)


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3779 days
Last activity: 3591 days
Posted on 03-09-05 10:28 AM, in Snow....damnit... Link
I had to come home early from work yesterday because the roads were really bad. What's funny is that the wind/snowfall didn't start until after I had arrived at my job. But since I was there I figured I'd put a 1/2 day in anyway. Wind gusts of up to 40 mph at times (and right now still going on) made for a treacherous drive home and massive snowdrifts everywhere.

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 03-09-05 01:30 PM)


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3779 days
Last activity: 3591 days
Posted on 03-09-05 01:14 PM, in Snow....damnit... Link
Yeah, that's the bad part about living in the northeast -- the threat of constant wind storms and heavy snowstorms. According to the latest forecast, there's supposed to be another snowstorm coming on Saturday. If we keep getting snow like this, it's going to beat out the amount of snow we got 2 years ago.

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 03-09-05 04:14 PM)


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3779 days
Last activity: 3591 days
Posted on 03-09-05 01:37 PM, in *Answers phone* "City Morgue. How may I help you?" Link
Hello, Kama-Kasai. Welcome to XGF -- I hope you have fun during your stay here and post a lot. I probably lurk around here more often than I post, but this is a great place to post -- you'll like it here.

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 03-09-05 05:02 PM)


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3779 days
Last activity: 3591 days
Posted on 03-09-05 07:02 PM, in Your Name Link
Actually Makura, your name means "pillow" as it is currently spelled. If you wanted to make your name mean darkness, you'd have to have 2 K's in your name -- Makkura.

Anyways, my name is nothing special -- when I first joined up on AcmlmBoards, I thought I was a video game freak that spent about 1/2 of the day playing games. Now, I'm lucky if I play about 6 to 8 hours total a week.

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 03-09-05 10:02 PM)


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3779 days
Last activity: 3591 days
Posted on 03-09-05 07:32 PM, in Your Name Link
Yes, you are indeed correct -- I should have looked up the information before replying to that. I've only seen "makkura" used for darkness, so I was a little confused. And yeah, Japanese is "weird" like that -- words could have totally different meaning depending on how you pronounce them.

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 03-09-05 10:32 PM)


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3779 days
Last activity: 3591 days
Posted on 03-09-05 08:47 PM, in "Morning Person" or "Night Person"? Link
For me, my typical day is getting up at about 9:30 AM and going to bed at around 2 AM everyday. I hate getting up any earlier than that. So, in other words, I'm a night person. There have been a few times where I would go to bed at 3 AM and get up at 9 AM.

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 03-09-05 11:47 PM)


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3779 days
Last activity: 3591 days
Posted on 03-09-05 09:06 PM, in Gamegear, anyone? Link
Yeah, I think I still have that system sitting around somewhere in old game systems and games. But yeah, I hate that I could only get a few hours out of the system from the 6 batteries you had to put in there. I bought mind about 6 or 7 years ago (I don't remember exactly when) at a flea market for only a few bucks. I only bought a few games for it since I didn't like the battery situation, but it was a good system nonetheless. I've seen somewhere where you can plug a TV receiver in there and watch regular television. I don't know if anyone has tried this though.

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 03-10-05 12:06 AM)


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3779 days
Last activity: 3591 days
Posted on 03-12-05 10:11 AM, in What brought you to our humble forums? Link
I think I found the link in Xeo's sig when I was on Erk's board. I signed up after a few weeks of lurking and haven't regretted one minute ever since.

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 03-12-05 01:11 PM)


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3779 days
Last activity: 3591 days
Posted on 03-12-05 10:21 AM, in Full Metal Alchemist Link
I want to watch this anime, but haven't seen any of the episodes. I read a little article in Newtype magazine about the storyline. It's about a boy and his brother doing experimenting with alchemy when things go wrong. In short, he has to sacrifice his right arm to save his brother. I think this is a good storyline, and will definitely buy this anime when it's released on DVD.

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 03-12-05 01:21 PM)


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3779 days
Last activity: 3591 days
Posted on 03-12-05 10:29 AM, in Test your NES Knowledge Link
Sadly, I only recognize 4 of the 40 screenshots that are listed. For people who want to see the answers to them, highlight the spoiler below:

Answers to 5, 12, 23, 24:
5. Mario Bros.
12. Duck Hunt
23. Kirby's Adventure
24. Double Dragon II

I think I recognize a few of the other screenshots but don't remember the titles of the games.

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 03-12-05 01:30 PM)
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by VGFreak877

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